SPV Spintec has been developing and manufacturing hydraulic toolholders for over 30 years. Today we have a really wide assortment containing various different models and designs. Our goal is to always have a solution for you, either as a standard product or a unique, custom design.
Here you can find information about our different models as well as the different properties and functions we provide.
Hydraulic chuck models






Custom extended chucks

A perfect solution which we are very proud of. Thanks to our unique concept we can provide extended chucks according to your specific needs.
How does it work?
You choose your type of machine fitting (ISO, BT, HSK etc.), chuck type and size. Now you get to choose the exact length of the chuck (up to about 500 mm).
What happens next?
We manufacture the chuck according to your specifications and have it ready for you in only 10 days!
The Plus membrane – For tougher machining
We are very proud to present our own developed "PLUS" membrane, which is a hexagonal type of membrane, giving the holder even more stability.
The plus membrane enables a machining process that is highly resistable against vibrations. When milling in hard materials or where the process generates vibrations from the tool, the hexagonal membrane prevents the vibrations from passing through the holder and to the machine spindle.
With this solution, in some cases you can increase the feed up to the double without causing vibrations. The result speaks for it self. Less vibrations means higher surface finish, longer tool lifetime, faster machining. And offcourse, a better economy!

Custom designed hydro chucks

Just for you!
Apart from our standard articles we also design and manufacture totally customized hydraulic holders. A custom designed hydro chuck can be used as a high precision fixture, a clamping device for grinding-machines etc.
Maybe you have an idea of what will be the new way of using a hydraulic holder? Let us design the holder for your needs.