Manuals & Instructions
Are you looking for operating instructions or manuals for our products? You can find them below for easy download in PDF format.
If you can't find what you are looking for or you need more specific assistance regarding any of our products, please contact us.
Tel: +46 - 16 - 15 30 30
Would you like to get in touch with a specific person, please click here or on the "Contact us" button in the menu to find the direct contact information.
Service & Repair
When it comes to repair or service of our spindles, motors or accessories you use this document. Download the PDF file and fill in the necessary information. Then follow the instructions in the document on how to proceed with this issue. STD910 - Service notification spindles
When it comes to repair or service of our hydraulic chucks, tapping devices etc you use this document. Download the PDF file and fill in the necessary information. Then follow the instructions in the document on how to proceed with this issue. STD920 - Service notification tool holders
Drawings, Parts lists and 3D models
Do you want to replace any component or otherwise view the component parts available in our various products you can find exploded drawings and parts lists here. Please note that we always recommend to send the item to us for review and possible repair.