Welcome to SPV Spintec

Welcome to our site! Here you will find information about the company, our products and the services we can provide. We hope you take the time to explore our website and that you find what you are looking for. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kent Karlsson
Managing director

High speed spindles

Deburring, drilling, milling or grinding etc. There are many applications suitable for our high speed spindles. With a wide range of effect and speed up to 90 000 RPM, our spindles will help you to modernize your machines for the future.

Hydraulic chucks

Hydraulic toolholders with highest precision for accurate and stable machining. Standard chucks, pen-chucks, extra short or extended holders. We supply the hydro chuck that is perfect for your process. We also manufacture special and custom designed chucks according to your needs.

Tapping devices

Our tapping devices are available in a large amount of varities. Floatnig, adjustable torque-clutch and tapholders for fast tool-changes are just some of many functions available. The different Components kan be combined to be the perfect solution for your tapping process.

Quick-change chucks

Jahrls quick-change chucks for axial machining is a true Classic. With insert adaptors that thanks to it's ball locking mechanism lets you change tool with rotating spindle. This makes even the smaller jobs more effective. Flexible process = lower costs.

SPV Spintec spindle mounted to robot


If you need to process or deburr complex parts, a high speed spindle mounted on a robot might be the solution for you.

With this type of application you have the ability to perform very advanced machining solutions. Would you like to know more? Give us a call on +46 16 15 30 30 and we will tell you more.